Composer ~ Sound-Artist ~ Performer ~ Maker
Belgian composer & sound-artist originating from Genk [BE] and residing in Ghent [BE]. Obtained his Master of Arts of Music with as main subject: Composition at the ‘School of Arts’ in Ghent with Frank Nuyts (BA) and Daan Janssens (MA).
After obtaining his Teachers-degree, he participated in 2016-2017 as the sole Belgian artist in EPAS - European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound which brought him more hands-on experience as a sound-artist on a national and international scale: He collaborated at the Dutch Film Academy in Am- sterdam [Holland], International Filmschool of Cologne [Germany], KASK [Belgium], ... His sonorous roots lay in avant-garde contemporary music as well as in progressive metal. Cross-overs & thinking outside the [black-]box are key elements in his praxis. His passion for creating & developing [auditive] immersive worlds fuel his artistic choices and adventures. Each project he attempts to create a ‘playing field’ by experimentation in which sounds & music are the building blocks that are de- contextualised & deconstructed as to be re-organised & reshaped in his own chosen narrative |
In this framework he tries to research the impact of immersive sound on the human perception. In his artistic research he constantly tries to look for & create dialogues between him & his audience, as well as in between himself and his fellow artists. His preferred toolset is a technical set-up of a multi-medial kind that he tries to incorporate into these dialogues. Always looking for new ways to fill his auditive canvas by interdisciplinary collaborations that aim for new artistic challenges. This ‘quest’ gave him a transdisciplinary framework that lead to collaborations with many different artists & producti- on houses. He is currently working as “young maker” for: C-mine Cultuurcentrum [BE], Dommelhof [BE], Intro In Situ [NL], Via Zuid [NL]. |